Friday, April 22, 2011

During final exam...

Here come the second final exam during my 1st year in UKM. What can I say? At the beginning, I was feel nothing with Language C and Mathematics. This didn't mean I am ok with all of it. I was not OK, and just didn't have any nervous feeling during the 1st two papers.

And now, comes the 4rd paper (major).. I am really no idea wham I reading and also the example has shown. I realize that my basic knowledges are not good enough.

I am building a tower on the sand. My tower will collapse in anytime. Just like what I am now.. Only God has His will. I am not sure what is His plan, but I know He knows what I feel now. I hope it will be alright during the rest of my papers.

Praise the Lord. Amen.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Blog is dead..

Argh.. My blog is dead again..=.=